About Us

Xanthus is a complete business collaborator — a custom software development firm that builds smart, secure and scalable software with client success as the number one priority. Custom-built solutions in line with the client’s vision are Xanthus’ specialty. 


A West Coast city was struggling to keep track of the citations issued to its parking violators. It needed a solution that: 

  • Was web-based rather than manual 
  • Could be accessed in a matter of seconds 
  • Created ready to access analytics for on-the-spot decision making 


Xanthus provided a web-based Citation Management solution that: 

  • Became a common portal to consolidate, track and access the necessary data
  • Analyse the data for set patterns and provide a clearer understanding of the same 
  • Make the analysis accessible to all levels of users: Finance, Ops and Top Management 


Built on the Microsoft stack, using a combination of MVC, JQuery and Javascript, combined with custom dashboard components, the system was built to be multi-tenant so that it could be used by multiple cities independent of each other. 


The system reduced data collection, analysis and reporting times by over 60% across the board for the city and the service provider, enabling not just scheduled but also real-time reports.